
Sunday, 18 May 2014

You Eat Whole, You Feel Whole

We do hear the term “whole food” or in my case “clean food” being tossed around, but what does it really means? Whole foods are foods in their natural state, thus they are unadulterated. When these foods are pick from the tree, pulled or pinch off a vegetable from a plant in the ground then you are looking at whole foods or clean foods. Food in this state has not been altered in anyway thus very very safe for consumption.
Whole foods contain all the enzymes and nutrients in the proportion nature intended for our health. When whole foods are consumed the body feels nourished and whole. Amazing benefits of whole foods are, helps diminish cravings, swelling, chronic pain, arthritic symptoms, and digestive issues and ultimately makes weight loss and weight management easier.
I wish I could lie to you that I only eat whole or clean foods, but that’s just not my truth. I try to live by the 80/20 rule. Try to eat more and more whole foods each day but convenience sometimes requires we resort to the healthier alternatives. In doing this I look for protein shakes, bars, snacks and processed foods which have the LEAST amount of processing closest to its natural state. NO ONE IS PERFECT. Let do our best but enjoy our life. Always look forward to a whole food/ clean food meal. And remember if 80% of what you consume is clean or whole food you are going great. Stay up stay blessed, be fit and never stop pushing... baby steps are all it take.

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