
Thursday, 24 January 2013

10 Most Dangerous Mistakes We Make

Six pack abs - they can make women instantly attracted to you, and guys envy you. Let’s face it, you would LOVE to have a six pack I personally admire guys with well-defined Abs a WHOLE LOT —but chances are that getting one has seemed hard and frustrating to you in the past, this is probably just because you’re making one of a few common mistakes guys make when trying to get ab.

So, here are the 10 most dangerous mistakes men make when it comes to getting six pack abs. If you make these 10 mistakes it’ll be incredibly hard and frustrating to get abs, and you probably will never get them at all. If you do learn these mistakes getting abs will be much easier, and you’ll start seeing abdominal definition more quickly than you could imagine.

  • Mistake 1

Doing sit ups and crunches to get a six-pack.  Abs exercises only build the abs muscles — they don’t get rid of fat that’s covering it. In fact, doing too many abs exercises actually has a negative effect when it comes to slimming your waistline.  When you work on your abs too much, the muscle gets really big and bulgy and actually makes your waist BIGGER. The only way to get rid of fat on our stomach is to allow our body to convert it into energy and use it.   Doing crunches and sit ups is not intense enough for our bodies to have to break down fat because the abdominal muscle so small compared to using a larger muscle group like our legs.  You need to concentrate on burning the fat before you start building up abdominal muscle – otherwise you’re just bulking up your beer gut.

  • Mistake 2 - Doing cardio

Cardio only burns calories when you’re doing it, is doesn't burn when your heart rate is not elevated.  Think about the last time you did any type of cardio exercise. Even if you did cardio 30 min a day 7 days a week, there’s 24 hours in a day so what are you burning the other 23.5 hours? Not too much, because it was a lot, you would be lean by now, doing cardio all day long doesn't seem like a very reasonable solution either. Can you think of the last time YOU did cardio?  Did you get a six-pack?  Did your stomach at least get a little flatter?  The cold hard truth is that long cardio workouts are completely ineffective for burning fat, and for getting a six pack. If you’re spending long hours on the elliptical, treadmill or bike, you’re completely wasting your time if your goal is to get hard, defined abs.

  • Mistake 3- Diets

Think of all the people you know who got on a diet, how many of them actually stayed on it. Losing weight and having a lean healthy body is a lifestyle change and unfortunately, when you ask someone  to change their habits of eating that they been doing all their life, that’s almost like asking someone to change their personality permanently.  Sure, you can pretend for a short period, but you will always go back to being you. Most diets now are so low in carbohydrates; it’s likely the initial weight loss is primarily water weight, as carbohydrate encourages your body to hold water.  As soon as you go back to a normal amount of carbs, the water weight comes back and the weight goes back to normal.  No real fat was really loss. There is no point in “going on a diet,” or temporarily changing your eating habits. Because as soon as you change them back, you’ll gain back all the fat you lost - and then some more on top of that. You need to learn healthy eating habits that are also EASY to maintain - this is the only way to make the permanent change in eating that’s necessary for six pack abs.

  • Mistake 4

 Using fat burning supplements, diet pills, and other drugs to burn off fat. You can’t get in shape through supplements alone.  All fat burning drugs do is first suppressing your appetite so you don’t feel the need to eat as much.  Now your body doesn't have the nutrients to give you energy.  But wait!  The fat burners are also filled with other stimulants so your energy level doesn't go down.  So what that does is decrease your natural metabolism (which is what your body does to burn calories) and increase your fat storage because your body will now go into “survival mode”

-    Your body will lower its calorie burning because it’s not getting enough of it.

-    Your body will hold on to your fat and not use it as energy because fat is your most valuable energy source in your body and in survival mode; it will do the smartest thing to survive.

-    Your body will also break down muscle tissue as fuel causing your metabolism to lower even more.

-    Once you stop taking the supplement, your food intake goes back to normal causing you to gain all the weight you loss plus more.

The reason why you gain more than you started is your metabolism is now lower than when you first started due to the loss of muscle.

This is why most guys who ACTUALLY have a six pack take very few supplements or no supplements at all.

  • Mistake 6 - Being a Gym Rat

This one applies to people who go to the gym 6-7 days a week, or who spend 2 to 3 hours at the gym, or who are twice a day members.  More is not always better. You heard the term before, “TOO MUCH OF A GOOD THING IS A BAD THING” Working out that much causes over training and will break down your muscles rather than build.  It doesn't give the muscles enough rest to recuperate and rebuild.  Imagine a football player having to play 10 straight football games back to back every day.  Every game he is a little more fatigue than the last and his performance gets worse and worse.  Give him a week to recover between games and he will play at his best.  Spending lots of time in the gym is never a substitute for a quality workout doing the RIGHT exercises. It’s far better to spend ten minutes in the gym doing the right things, than three hours doing the wrong things.

  • Mistake 7 - Wasting money on AB Gimmicks;


These machines only work on your abs, and nothing more.  You’re only burning a little bit of calories because the abs is such a small muscle group and don’t require much energy to contract. It’s all marketing. When it comes to abs machines nobody ever got in shape using just the machines.  They fail to mention the part “in addition to low calorie diet and exercise regimen”

  • Mistake 8 - Lack of sleep

Sleeping affects us more than what you think.  When we go to bed, our bodies replenish and rebuild physically and mentally from the wear and tear throughout the day.   Today’s norm of staying up past

Our bed times due to computers, cell phones, 24 - hour cable has made our bodies fatigue, reduced health, and even weight increase. Ghrelin and Leptin are hormones in our body that control appetite and weight gain or loss.  Leptin suppresses our appetite while ghrelin increases it.  When your body doesn't get enough sleep, ghrelin levels increase while leptin level decreases which means not getting enough sleep could be one of the reasons why many overeat and have weight issues.  Ever experienced a sleepless night followed by a day when no matter what you ate you never felt full or satisfied? If so, then you have experienced the workings of leptin and ghrelin. When lack of sleep becomes a chronic problem, levels of ghrelin increases, causing greater appetite, and levels of leptin decrease. Regardless of diet and exercise, it’s possible that some obesity is caused, or made worse, by sleep deprivation.

  • Mistake 9 -  Doing isolation workouts to rid of specific fatty areas

Your body fat is spread out throughout your body.  When you gain weight, you gain it everywhere, not just in one place.  So why would you try to get rid of it just in one place?  When you’re attacking the fat, which is your goal and to get a six pack you must attack it from your whole body.  Instead of doing exercises like bench presses or curls you need to do functional multi-body group exercises to increase more Cal burning in your body so your body will be forced to utilize fat as the energy source.  This doesn't mean you do the same isolation workouts but just all in one day, because you’re still only using 1 to 3 muscle groups in every individual workout instead of using your entire body.

Increase the calorie burning and your fat will melt away.

  • Mistake 10 - Not getting the HELP

This is by far the biggest mistake of all that will keep most guys from ever getting the body they truly want.  I know most guys don’t   like to admit that they are tired and fed up with having a gut. They usually act like it’s not a big deal, play it off real cool by making jokes like “I don’t have a six pack - I have a KEG!” but deep down inside all guys would like to have a lean, chiseled midsection if they knew how to get it.  GET HELP…..visit a good fitness center with good Personal trainers…they will help you out...


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