PATIENCE! Let’s be realistic here. You won’t drop
two jeans size in one day. You won’t lose fifty pounds in one month. You’re
going to binge every now and then. You will go a day or two without working
out. Your weight is going to fluctuate here and there. You’re going to try new
techniques, and they’re not going to work. You are just human. You’re going to
fail. But nothing great is ever accomplished without few obstacles. JUST KEEP
GOING and stay motivated. I present to you this week “The Bino’s Way to Stay
Motivated In your Fitness Journey.” Hope they come in handy.
1. Chart
Your Progress:
Setting a specific goal with a time constraint keeps
me focused on achieving it. Weight loss is a serious business, so I treat it
that way. I weigh myself every week and I write down the numbers. If you're
even vaguely computer savvy, it's a snap to create a chart with a fever line
that shows the pounds dropping away over time or better still download apps on
your smart phone for that. When you get
discouraged just say, you haven't lost a pound in a week. Seeing my long-term
progress boosts my motivation.
2. Face
Your Reflection:
When we feel fat we probably shun mirrors. Rather we
should do the opposite. Staring at my body in the mirror and stifling the usual
criticisms of my thigh keeps me in check to improve my body image, this way it
keeps me committed to healthy eating. Try it: Speak to your reflection without
using any negatively charged words. For example, instead of "I have a huge
butt," I say to myself “My waist looks smaller thanks to my curves."
3. Become
A Class Regular:
Joining a group exercise class and making friends with
your fellow regulars helps a lot. Seeing your pals will inspire you to attend
even when you feel like just dancing to the aerobic music remember you still
doing something, might not be too effective but at least you not lazing in the
Sofa. My weight loss journey was an experimental process for me. All I did was
try lots of ideas and stuck to the ones that worked.
4. Lift
The Weight You've Lost:
There is a great misconception about women and
weightlifting but will save that rant for another day. Weight lifting is my way
of keeping myself from sliding into what-the-hell eating mode when my weight
loss plateaus. Using dumbbells that correspond to the number of pounds I have already
dropped in my weight loss journey helped a lot in toning me up. When struggling
with that weight I say to myself “see how much you're struggling to lift just that
that used to be on your butt! Keep digging deeper, it gets better” when weight
lifting I play tunes on my iPod that pumps up to train. I listen to my favorite
playlist, it takes my mind off the pain. Try it, it works.
5. Get
Out Your Sexiest-Skinny Outfit:
This is my favorite. I hang the sexiest outfit i
love and haven't been able to wear for a long time on my wall to help motivate
me in my weight loss journey. Just
pulling it out of the closet serves as a visual reminder of the goal I am
trying to accomplish.
6. Share
your Progress with Others:
Sharing my weight goal with others actually increase
my likelihood of achieving it. It's really hard to blow off a commitment you've
made to lots of people. Let your family and friends know you on fitness or
weight loss journey that way even when you are laughed at when u binge, it will
still keep you in check, it a way of motivating you to be on your “A” game.
7. Flex
and Shoot:
I am one annoying maggot on Instagram and Facebook, because
I love posting numerous pictures of my progress. I take pictures to document my
progress, regardless of whether they show dramatic gains. Record the moment to provide yourself positive
feedback and motivation to keep training hard. Photos will also allow you to
look back and have a record of how far you’ve come, which serves as additional
motivation as well as validation. When you have friends like I do and when YOU
DARE FALTER they will put you in check.
8. Become
Your Own Hero:
This might be very funny, but it works for me. I Cut
out the cover my fitness role model and mentor; Jennifer Nicole Lee (JNL),
place a picture of my face over hers, and paste it on my wall. Though my
physique and genetics are unique, there’s nothing wrong with training to
emulate someone else’s if it motivates me. It helps me visualize how I want to
change my body and realize what it takes to get there.
9. Know
Why You Want It:
“If the why
is great enough, the how no longer matters.” My late Granny (Mercy Bamfo, may
her soul rest in Peace) was fond of this saying, I never really understood it
till I grew up. Getting over, under,
around, or through all those obstacles that stand between you and what you want
is going to require a sizable chunk of sustainable motivation. If your drive is
fueled by weak, superficial purpose, it will fizzle out long before you get to
the finish line. This deeper motivation will help you overcome the these obstacles.
10. Reward/Penalize
yourself when sub-goals are met or failed:
A good way of keeping yourself in check is by
rewarding yourself at the end of each week when you see a positive change as
regards to your weight-loss program. Similarly, a negative change should make
you penalize yourself, which in turn would serve as a reminder to keep going
strong. What is your favorite pass-time? What is your favorite perfume? Pick
out that thing you value the most and that you would love to do or have each
week, and make it your reward. If you fail to achieve your goal by the end of
that week, deprive yourself of that pleasure. If this isn’t motivation enough,
then I bet you nothing is! Make it happen, people! Nothing feels better than achieving your goal!
Stay Up And Stay Blessed. Get Fit with Bino @BlingBodyGym
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