
Sunday 28 July 2013


I often hear people saying “I wish I could do this or I want to achieve that”. Well guess what? YOU CAN. If you want something bad enough, believe in yourself enough to go make it happen. Often we are the only thing standing in the way of achieving our goals. Some come to me unhappy with how they look and feel, but they don’t do what it takes to CHANGE. You CAN achieve your fitness goals but I am telling you right now, it won’t be easy. BUT it will be worth it. Baby steps are all it takes. Keep it simple, DON’T give up. DON’T quit when it gets hard. That is the time to fight your hardest and give it your all. Don’t set a ceiling on what you can do. DON’T accept failure as an option. YOU WANT IT? Make it happen. Because am telling you right this minute….YOU CAN…Sleep on that……LOVE YOU ALL….stay up stay blessed.

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