
Monday 1 April 2013


It is a shame how many women out there think they aren’t strong enough to become a better “fitter” them. Take a look at your local gym and realize that the “weight room” is literally packed with testosterone while all the cardio machinery is cramped up by women who think that is all they can do. There is a big misconception about weight lifting. The most popular myth regarding women and weights is that weight lifting will turn you into a bodybuilder. The truth is it won’t, unless you try very, very hard or on steroids. Women don’t have the right hormone balance to build enormous muscles and even those who are genetically predisposed to do so must train in a very specific way and follow a very particular nutrition plan to make it happen. We do not produce enough testosterone to look like a body builder.
On the other hand do not tell me you can’t do it because if I can you can. For God’s sake we bare children, we give birth to humanity…we are the “strongest” of all species because we could endure so much pain that is completely amazing to the eyes of many. So now stop complaining and whining and get home\gym and throw me those push-ups, try me some chin ups, pull ups start grapping those 20 Ibs plate that you could but won’t do because you think you cant. You are stronger than you think. It’s all about conditioning your body and building your strength…… so tell me will you become a Better Fitter You and commit, will you? stay up and stay blessed

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