
Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Be Confident

There is a very thin line between Cocky and Confident....! If you have never felt that before, hit the gym, if you reach this level you will see what I mean...! Basically being fit and proud of your progress increases your confident....stay up and stay blessed

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Eat Yourself Thin

WHEN you eat is as important as WHAT you eat. Get your timing right and the fat will fall away. For those of you who want to know about my menu plan you can play around with this….you may adjust it to suit you but please don’t sway too much else that won’t be eating CLEAN.

If you work out in the morning If you work out at lunch If you work out right after work
MEAL Preworkout snack Breakfast Breakfast
1 ½ whey – protein shake (or)
Banana and hard-boiled egg (or)
Cereal with fat free milk(organic soy milk)
Scrambled eggs with whole grain toast (or)
Oatmeal with crushed flaxseeds /almond nut and yoghurt
scrambled eggs with whole grain toast(or)
whole grain cereal with blue-berries and skim milk
MEAL Breakfast Midmorning/preworkout snack Midmorning snack
2 (immediately following workout)
egg – white omelet with vegetables
orange juice
(no more than 1 hour before workout)
whey – protein shake with fruits
whey – protein shake with peanut butter (or)
yoghurt and cashews
MEAL Midmorning snack Lunch Lunch
3 yoghurt and fruits(or)
whey protein shake and fruits
(immediately following workout)
chicken breast sandwich
bread roll
chicken breast
steamed vegetables
bread roll
MEAL Lunch Midafternoon snack Midafternoon snack
4 salad with grilled chicken and olive oil-based dressing(or)
tuna sandwich on whole-grain bread
peanut butter or cashews and an apple (or)
meal- replacement Bar
peanut butter or cashews and an apple
meal-replacement bar
MEAL Midafternoon snack Dinner Preworkout snack
5 Peanut butter or cashews and an apple(or)
Meal-replacement bar
Cucumber-tomato salad drizzled with olive oil
Turkey/chicken salad on whole grain bun
½ whey –protein shake
MEAL Dinner   Dinner
6 Grilled salmon, chicken breast, or sirloin steak
Green salad with olive oil-based dressing
  Grilled salmon, chicken breast
Green salad with olive oil-based dressing
Wild rice or brown rice


This is my secret to building lean muscular body around the clock.
I eat within an hour of waking up. This is the time that our body sets its metabolism for the day. Skimping on food in this crucial hour sets your body to starvation mode which means anything you eat afterwards will be stored as fat. And that roll around your midriff will just get bigger. Fill your plate with high quality protein, slow digesting carbohydrates and healthy fats.
I eat every three hours after breakfast. Waiting more than four hour between meals causes your blood sugar levels to drop way too low, leaving you weak, irritable and tired. To combat this, your body secrets cortisol, a hormone that boost blood – sugar levels by converting muscle protein to sugar (what exercise scientist call "muscle wasting").
I drink chocolate milk after my work. Am not a fun of chocolate but I do it anyways. Our bodies need fast digesting carbs. Workout changes our body’s priorities: as sugar is absorbed into our bloodstream, it’s shuttled to our muscles instead of being used as fuel and is stored there. This forces our body to accelerate the rate at which it burns fat for energy and the chocolate milk does the trick.

 I trust I have been able to answer some of your questions….feel free to ask me anything about fitness if I can’t answer that will certainly find you the answer….STAY UP AND STAY BLESSED