
Friday 9 December 2016



What if I told you can still go to the office Christmas party, sneak a few Christmas cookies whiles baking, enjoy your favorite holiday foods AND still manage to keep the Holiday Bulge away. YES YOU CAN, by simply trying to limit your indulgences to those special times. Incorporating these 5 simple tips over time has been of great help in maintaining a healthy lifestyle and helped me keep up an enjoyable Christmas holiday over the years.

Smoothies preferably GREEN, is a wonderful healthy fast food to start the day with. Eat a normal breakfast to set your blood sugar and before the holiday festivities begins have a healthy snack. TRUTH!! Overindulging is less appealing when you’re not starving.

The whole idea is to avoid overindulgence thus staying hydrated will help decrease it. If you are going to have alcoholic beverages, will be a great idea to drink some water in between your cocktails to avoid dehydration the next day.

Essentially giving yourself permission to indulge within reason helps keep you in check. This can be done by knowing what you will be indulging in mentally. Know what you are going to eat for your holiday meal and dessert ahead of time. This simple exercise sets the tone for the day. 

Exercise also help set the tone for the day it helps decrease your desire to over indulge. Before the day gets busy sneak in an easy workout such as a walk, some yoga or if you’re ambitious like Coach Bino hit the gym for a short HIIT workout.

Hey it Christmas ENJOYYYY the holidays but then get back to your regular routine the very next day. Don’t use the holiday as an excuse to continue overindulging for days or weeks on end. WITH THE ABOVE Tips you can tell keeping the Holiday bulge away is no ROCKET SCIENCE neither is it MAGIC. It is possible with a little forethought to have a wonderful holiday and maintain healthy eating and exercise habits.
If you can maintain your healthy habits 80% of the time then 20 % will take care of itself. I think this is a good rule to live by during the holidays.


Tuesday 13 September 2016


Being a mom can really be stress-fully despite the unique and awesomeness that comes with it. A constant learning circle that never seem to end. One minute she is pregnant with all the woes,the next minute is nourishing, swaddling, diapering, soothing, a pediatrician on the outlook for signs and symptoms of infant ailments, and that is not the end, she is way out of your depth, struggling to navigate a stormy sea of new emotions that are unique only to moms.
After nurturing three wonderful gift of lives it becomes more exhausting she tends to put her own health at the bottom of her priority list. Financial responsibilities even made it worse. Constantly saying to herself "I'm fine. I don't need time away from my family because they are all I need to be happy." Kept accumulating the stress and the pounds years over years. She sits to reflect and realize now how she let her own needs slide. It sometimes seem like she had no time for anything. But found time saying yes or trying to squeeze in every invitation to hang out with a friend/friends. She sits to evaluate those invitations and realize she could have shaped the date to fit in with her workout and health needs? Rather than meeting for cocktails every time she went out, started with a walk, or a run ... you get the idea. (Sometimes you do need the cocktail, though – let’s use our judgement, mamas!) THE GREATEST GIFT YOU CAN GIVE YOUR FAMILY AND WORLD IS THE HEALTHY YOU. – Joyce Meyer.
For me being fit means physically and mentally fit. To function optimally or enjoy the whole package both must be met. Mental fitness can only be achieved if your body is functioning well. You can help relax your own mind and eliminate stresses by exercising regularly and eating right.

Why is it Important to Be Physically Fit as a woman/mom?

• We make and unmake the home !!! like it or not , once you start keeping fit you unconsciously  involve the family and Parents who exercise with their children are not only teaching them how to live a healthy lifestyle, they are also reinforcing the family bonds and creating wonderful family traditions.  As a mother you control the dinner Table what Author and fitness expert Debbie Mandel states, “Children who exercise do better academically and learn how to reduce stress. In essence, adults in the household are showing children a healthy way to relieve stress and improve their thinking while they (the adults) practice what they preach. Children are always observing their parents and picking up on their body language, not just their words.” And who does this well than the MADAM OF THE HOUSE.
• People who are physically fit are also healthier, are able to maintain their most optimum weight, and are also not prone to cardiac and other health problems.


Monday 24 November 2014


Where does the spark and infatuation from the beginning go? It’s crazy how quickly you can go from being excited to talk to a person to feeling like you’re forcing the conversation. The quality times turns out into “I was working” and the consistent communication becomes “I don’t know”. When does “I hate to see you leave” turn into “It hurt too much to stay” May be we are all guilty of taking things for granted, or letting our fears stop us from taking certain chances.
Maybe we think we can make Love appear when it’s convenient or maybe we don’t realize the effort required to keep a good thing good. Maybe we think happiness is something that just finds us instead of being something that we work for and choose to have. And maybe that is why we all get it wrong so often.
 It is amazing how fast things change. You go from laughing about anything to arguing about everything. You have to go through the motions wondering if they are real, if they really care or if they are going to run when it gets rough. You want to give more of yourself to somebody but it’s hard these days because you just never know if you will get anything back. You think you have it all down.  You do the little things, you stay consistent but somehow it just doesn’t add up.
Maybe the problem is that we expect the love to be magical before we become magicians. Or could it be that we are all just better breakers than builders. We would rather have feelings we can throw away and “love” that’s disposable. Lord forbid, a situation requires us to grow, learn more and actually put work in. Reality is tough. You only want what is easy and that’s why what you get never last.
Everybody want to be fought for, but nobody is willing to fight. She loves the butterflies but she avoids the beginnings, because she hates having to start over. He is tired but he is too used to the chase that he is scared to stop running. Makes you wonder “IS LOVE REALLY HARD OR ARE PEOPLE JUST TOO DIFFICULT AND COMPLICATED”…….. Inspired by Real life stories of 2 wonderful STARS
STAY UP STAY BLESSED... random thoughts.

Wednesday 16 July 2014


I had to post this up because someone pissed me off so bad the other day. They asked me why I’m doing what am doing…. Told me am going to start looking like a man and my BF won’t want to be with me when I look like that. Told me I shouldn’t want to change my feminine body muscles and weight lifting will make me huge. LOL “well I’m feeling Effin Ginormous”Right now!!!!!.
NEWS FLASH: I AM NOT ON STERIODS!!!!!!! That’s why girls are so afraid to lift weights…IDIOTS like that telling them they will look like a man! Ladies weights will give you curves. I am NEVER going to take them away. PLUS I’m 58 freaking kilograms, I’m really NOT too concerned with looking manly, will choose muscles over fats any day.
Dear ladies let me tell you a little secret, muscles burns fats. If you lift a little more and challenge yourself, you will see that nice, lean, sexy muscles replace that body fats and raise your metabolism don’t be afraid of putting on some muscle.  OKAY done with my rant.
ABOUT THE RANT: Happiness means loving yourself and being less concerned with the approval of others….Owen Campbell Jnr.
Want to clear up that, although I used my situation as an example by NO MEANS did those comments affect me. I brushed it off. Dust off my shoulders boulders. I know haters gonna hate. But the purpose behind my rant was more of me wanting to defend all women, those who have been criticized or judged for their body or appearance. There are enough body image issues in the world already, we don’t need women attacking other women and making matters worse.
So I used my situation as a platform and example to shout it out, that this Chica will not tolerate such thing. So everyone out there. DO YOU!! Be Happy and Love Yourself and don’t give a rat A$$ what others got to say about it. Life is too much short to be anything but happy. Have a good day people!!! MAKE SURE YOU KILL IT IN THE GYM

Tuesday 27 May 2014

TIPS TO A FLAT TUMMY…persistence and consistency the KEY

I have been asked a couple times my tips to a “flat tummy” so I have decided to make a post on the topic. ENJOY.

One major cause to a nonexistent flat tummy even whiles eating healthy foods could be eating foods that do NOT work for YOU. For example Broccoli is a super food vegetable with many benefits. NO TWO WAYS ABOUT THAT. But personally, I cannot eat broccoli because it results in my stomach bloating, upset stomach and let’s face it – It may not do this to you, for me it does. Same with Cauliflower. FIND OUT WHICH FOODS WORKS FOR YOUR DIGESTIVE SYSTEM AND STICK TO THAT. For me spinach is my best smoothie ingredient. For every smoothie, spinach must go down with it. What works for others may not work for you! Vegetables full of mostly water work for most people! (Yellow/red pepper, cucumber, carrots, spinach, tomatoes, kontomire leaves etc).
Pay close attention to the things you are eating and how you feel after you eat them. This could be one cause in “I eat healthy food, wake up with a flat tommy and doesn’t stay throughout the day”. Other food(s) that may cause this are: Dairy (Lactose), Wheat. I personally do not consume lactose. THAT CAN HELP
Limit your sodium intake/carbonated/ sugar you can do WITHOUT (check my earlier blog on salt intake). What I do? No carbonation at all. No salad dressing. (Try squeezing lemon/balsamic/apple cider vinegar).
THIRSTY? Drink lots of water. Drink 3.5 – 4 Liters of water a day (check out my earlier blog on the benefits of drinking water)
MY SIMPLE PHILOSOPHY FOR FOOD:  I LOVE my foods that comes from tress, have a mom, come from the ground and have not been altered by chemical processes. The alien cousins are welcome once in a while, and they won’t cause me any harm, if my primary source of nutrients are benign. That translates to wiser choices balance. TAKE CARE OF YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM BECAUSE YOUR LIFE MATTERS.
Stay Up, Stay Blessed, Be fit and Never, Ever give Up In this fitness Journey… persistence is the KEY.